

Welcome to the Town of Saguache

Saguache (a Ute word meaning "blue earth" or "water at blue earth") is the northern Gateway to the San Luis Valley.  It is a rural/agricultural community located on Highway 285 and Highway 114 in southern Colorado.  We are surrounded by the Sangre de Cristo mountain range on the east and the San Juan range on the west. With a population of around 500, we enjoy the small town life.  We have abundant trees and wildlife. In the evening you can see deer walking around the neighborhoods.

Clean Water.  We are located in a high alpine valley with the second largest aquifer in the country providing fresh, clean water in our town which is better than any bottled water. No fluoride  is added to our water.

Close Recreation.  We are 10 miles from a hot springs spa, and 40 miles from the Sand Dunes hot spring pool. With an elevation of 7800 feet, this area is known for its rock climbing, hunting, biking and hiking up many mountain trails (many of the peaks are 14,000 feet, a great challenge to climbers) as well as soaking in the many hot springs. Horseback riding is abundant with trail systems which seem to go on forever.  River rafting and the Great Sand Dunes National Park are about an hour away.

We invite you to come and enjoy our Paradise.

Downtown Saguache Business District

Saguache Highway Business District

Saguache Walking Tour--Thank you to ScSEED for developing the Walking Tour Booklet and allowing us to post it on the Town of Saguache website! 

Local Conveniences

We have local grocery stores and a convenience store, restaurants and gas stations, a public library, a privately owned welcome center, thrift store, and a theater that has both movies and live entertainment.  We also have an incredible pioneer museum, which has one of the largest arrowhead collections in Colorado. The museum features historic displays in seven rooms, plus a jail from 1908. For lodging there are a motel and several bed and breakfast inns. Artists and crafters, including potters, authors, photographers, quilters, weavers, basket makers and painters, call Saguache home. There are antique shops and art galleries to browse.

2024 Town of Saguache News and information

Notice of Proposed Budget - Legal Notice 2025 budget.pdf
2025 Proposed Budget

2025 Water Rates increase
- Water will be $42 and Sewer will be $38 for a total of $80 per month.  Business rates will also increase for details please contact the Town Hall at 719-655-2232.

Town of Saguache 2024

2021 Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report for Year 2020


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